Summer Office Hours

The front office of the school will be open from 9-3, Monday through Friday until through June 12th.

8th Grade Drive-Up Recognition Ceremony

Good Afternoon Dragon Families!  Next Tuesday, May 26th, we will be celebrating our 8th Graders with a drive-up recognition ceremony for all of their hard work and to congratulation them on their promotion to high school. 

In order to keep everyone safe and to follow the guidelines we have been given, we have some reminders for you to know. 

  • There will be stations set up in the round-about by the school gym. Please approach the school by heading east on Cutler and turning right into the school. At each station, a staff member will bring your items to the passager side of your car.  
  • This will strictly be a drive and pick-up. No one should leave their vehicles for any reason. 
  • We will be gloved and masked. We ask that you wear masks or face coverings, as well. 
  • If you have anything to return, we ask that you place the items in a bag of some sort. We will take it from you, and set it in isolation for a week before opening. 
  • We would love to be able to visit with you, but we will not be able to visit this event. We need to comply with our guidelines, which means we need to keep everyone moving as quickly as possible and keep all social distancing requirements in place. 
  • We have designated times based on homerooms to help keep materials organized and to keep the flow of traffic: 

6:00pm – 6:30pm     Ms. MacDonald’s homeroom                    
6:30pm – 7:00pm     Mr. Wilcox’s homeroom                    
7:00pm – 7:30pm     Ms. Pickel’s homeroom 
7:30pm – 8:00pm     Ms. Herren’s homeroom 

We want to keep everyone as safe as possible. We do not want anyone to feel uncertain or unsafe. Safety is our first priority.  We also want you to be able to pick up all of your students’ belongings, including yearbooks if you did not have them delivered to your home.

Your help, support, and patience have been extremely appreciated this year. 

Ms. Herren, Ms. MacDonald, Ms. Pickel, and Mr. Wilcox  

5/18/20 GC Agenda

Agenda for May 18, 2019

Special Meeting will be held at 5:30 pm

4300 Cutler NE

Albuquerque, NM 87110


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 7434 9581 

Password: U3R7V4 

Call Meeting to Order

Roll Call

Approval of Agenda*

Approval of Minutes*

April 20, 2020

May 13, 2020 (second)

Open Forum 

I. Budget Reports

II. Cash Disbursements* – April

III. Bank Reconciliation*- April

IV. Approval of Bars*





V. Preapproval of Bars for EOY*

VI. APS Spring Site Visit Report 

VII. APS 19-20 Performance Framework

VIII. Revised Grading Policy for 2nd Semester 19-20*

IX. Principal’s Report

X. CEO Evaluation – Discussion

Next Meeting:  June 15, 2020

Adjourn Meeting

(*) Action Item

Pursuant to the 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council Open Meeting Policy Resolution of 4-20-2020:

• Proper and required notification to the public has occurred,

• This is a Special Meeting of the 21st Century Public Academy Governance Council requiring a minimum 72 hours public notice and that requirement has been met,

• If you wish to attend contact 21st Century Public Academy Office at telephone number (505) 254-0280 for further information,

• If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of a reader; amplifier; qualified sign language interpreter; or any other form of auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact 21st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 at least one (1) week prior to the meeting or as soon as possible. Public documents, including the agenda and minutes, can be provided in various accessible formats. Please contact 21st Century Public Academy at 505-254-0280 if a summary or other type of accessible format is needed.

4/13/20 GC Minutes

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice President
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Evelyn Dow, Member
Gary Boyd, Member
Daniel Kegler, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Member Absent: All Present via Zoom Meeting
Guests: Mary Tarango, Chief Executive Officer
BiancaBelmonte-Sapien, Principal
Jeremy Peckens, CPO

Governance Council Meeting Called to Order at 5:45 by Virginia Trujillo, President
Roll Call

 Quorum met
Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda, Art Silva
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Open Forum
Action Item
I/II MOU-Cutler Charitable Foundation
Motion to Approve the Memorandum of Understanding between Cutler
Foundation and 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council and the
Memorandum of Understanding between 21 st Century Public Academy
Foundation and 21 st Century Public Academy Governance Council
Motion to Approve, Evelyn Dow
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
III. PEC Amendment—Additional Elementary Grades
Motion to Approve Art Silva
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
IV. IDEA-B Application
Motion to Approve Application Art Silva
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Vote


 May 13, 2020-6:15

 Motion to Approve, Gary Boyd
2 nd —Victoria Tafoya
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote

Meeting Adjourned at 6:00