8/22/20 Emergency GC Meeting with Parents Minutes

OMA-Emergency refers to unforeseen circumstances that, if not addressed immediately by the body will likely

result in injury or damage to persons or property or financial loss to the public body.

Members Present: Virginia Trujillo, President
Art Silva, Vice-President
Kathy Webb, Secretary
Evelyn Dow, Member
Victoria Tafoya, Member
Gary Boyd, Member
Daniel Kegler, Member

Member Absent: All present via Zoom Meeting
Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO

Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal
Jeremy Peckens, CPO
21 st Century Public Academy Parents via Zoom
Governance Meeting Called to Order by Art Silva Vice President at 10:11 AM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Open Forum

 Mary Tarango, CEO, and Bianca Belmonte-Sapien, Principal, presented status of school
preparedness to Reopen 21 st CPA for fall 2020 due to COVID-19; as well possible options
and recommendations to do so.
 Parent Input for Reopening Due to COVID-19

Action Items


Next Meeting: August 22, 2020 at 12:00 PM
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Evelyn Dow
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 12:04 PM