21st CPA School Re-Entry Plan

2021-22 School Year Starts August 23, 2021

The teachers and staff of 21st Century Public Academy are excited to welcome students this Fall for the continued safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services. All teachers will provide direct, face to face daily instruction in our full inclusion classroom environment. Each student will be issued a Chromebook to develop 21st Century skills. Out of School Instruction with teachers will take place according to NM PED/DOH guidance. Lunch will be served and families can find the application for free/reduced meals on our website. Our staff are eager to meet our students’ academic social, emotional, and health needs. Our full-time nursing staff will continue to meet student health needs. Please continue to check our website for important updates and resources including school supply lists, uniform availability through AdItUp, summer reading lists as well as our school calendar for 2021-2022. We look forward to engaging our Dragons on campus in August!

Please reference the below document for more information!