The meeting was called to order by Janet Giron, President, at 7:34 pm on Monday, Novmber 15, 2021.
The minutes from the October 11, 2021 General PTA Meeting were approved as read.
Mary Tarango, Janet Giron, Angela Lerner, Mikel Wagner, Lani McCarson, Jeremy Peckens,
Josh Guzman
Principal’s Report by Mary Tarango:
Title I money for last year has not been received yet. SR2 funds will be awarded by January
- These funds will be used for more HEPA filters in the cafeteria and upgrades in some
offices. The HVAC/Solar project is now budgeted for and we are requesting quotes from
vendors. There will be a 6 th month window to start the project. We are upgrading to fiber
optic internet for the school.
The school now has a new organizational chart. Ms. Tarango will take over Mrs. B’s duties
and we will hire a new CFO.
MAP testing will be coming up in December (starting the second week and ending on the
the 10 th ). Our MAP testing will become the interim testing that the PED now requires of all
The new Test to Stay Program for Covid has to be implemented by January. We have
received a grant for $80,000 to implement it. Under the program, if a person has two covid
symptons, they can test on day 1, 3 and 5 and remain in school, or do a 10 day quarantine.
We are hiring two new middle school EA’s to help with study lab and to help Mr. Flores, our
new speial education teacher for the 6 th grade. We now have a special education teacher for
each middle grade and one for the elementary grades.
The next Governance Council meeting is Thursday, November 18.
President’s Report by Janet Giron:
Pictures for the yearbook can be sent to
Thank you to all who volunteered to help at the Fall Festival.
Snack bar is getting into a good routine. Snack bar will be available weather permitting
during the winter months.
Student Council will start selling donuts and sodas on Fridays after school in place of snack
Vice-President’s Report by Lani McCarson:
There will now be a US flag on display outside the school every day. Student Council is
doing training and will take care of raising and lowering it each day.
Secretary’s Report by Mikel Wagner:
Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report by Angela Lerner:
The bank balance was $15,198.08 as of November 8.
Recent disbursements were $200 for pumpkins and $900 for the jumpers for Fall Festival.
There will be a reimbursement to Janet Giron for over $5,000 for snack supplies year to
date, items for the school supplies bundles fundraiser, teacher lunch and breakfast supplies
and Balloons Aloft.
The 990 has been filed.
Our canned food drive will be starting on November 29 and ending December 10. There
will be a competiton to see which class contributes the most canned food. The reward will
be a hot chocolate party on December 15. This will also be a Christmas dress up day.
We will be asking for donations of gift cards for staff gifts.
New Business:
There is no new business.
The next PTA General Meeting will be Monday, December 13 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 pm.