Family Literacy Night

Fifth Grade Families,

Tomorrow we will be hosting an Elementary Family Literacy Event from 5:00-6:00. This will be a virtual event. The Zoom links can be found below.

1st & 2nd Grade with Ms. Carillo


3rd & 4th Grade with Ms. Espinosa

5th Grade with Ms. Drawbond

Language Arts Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 984 1708 4023
Passcode: 5thGrade

Every student will be going home tomorrow with a gallon bag full of games and ways to practice important reading skills. These bags will also contain reading incentives for your student to encourage them to practice reading often. We will be reading aloud some favorite books. We will also be talking about the important parts of reading and offering strategies to help your child become an even better reader!

In addition to the incentives included in the bag, students who attend will receive extra credit for attending.

It does not matter which session your student or students attend to get credit for the evening. They are welcome to attend any teacher’s session. This way if you have more than 1 child in 1st-5th grade you do not have to choose by grade level. All grade levels are welcome in every Zoom!

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow evening!

Jennifer Drawbond, NBCT

5th Grade Social Studies & Language Arts


2/18/22 Emergency GC Minutes

Members Present: Art Silva, President
Gary Boyd, Vice-President
Vicente Vargas, Secretary
Lora Sedore, Member
Sistine Jaramillo, Member
Gary Boyd, Member

Member Absent: None
Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO
Angela Lerner, COO
Jeremy Peckens, Principal

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Art Silva, President at 12:12 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

 Motion to Approve Agenda—Lora Sedore
2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum
 None

Discussion and Possible Action on Masking Mandate

Motion to make mask wearing option at 21 st Century Public Academy – Gary Boyd
2 nd – Vicente Vargas
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote 4 to 1 with one abstention.

Next Meeting: March 17th, 2022 at 5:30 PM
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn—Gary Boyd
2 nd Sistine Jaramillo
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 12:20 pm

2/17/22 GC Minutes

Members Present: Art Silva, President

Virginia Trujillo, Vice-President
Gary Boyd, Member
Lora Sedore, Member
Vicente Vargas, Member
Sistine Jaramillo, Member

Member Absent: None
Guests: Mary Tarango, CEO
Amber Peña, The Vigil Group
Jeremy Peckens, CPO and Principal
Angela Lerner, COO
Amy McGrane, School Social Worker
Jennifer Elliott, Special Education Coordinator

Governance Meeting Called to Order by Art Silva, President at 5:35 PM
Roll Call

 Quorum met via Roll Call

Approval of Agenda

Motion to Approve Agenda —Gary Boyd
2 nd — Virginia Trujillo
Motion Approved via Roll Call Vote
Approval of Governance Council Minutes

Motion to Approve Amended Minutes, January 20th meeting—Gary Boyd
2 nd —Virginia Trujillo
Motion Approved Via Roll Call Vote

Open Forum Vice-President Virginia Trujillo announced her resignation from the board effective at the end of
this meeting. We are all very grateful for her service to the school.
Discussion of the lifting of the mask mandate. Will explore direction when PED releases a statement.
Gary Boyd was appointed and agreed to fill the position of Interim Vice President.
Vicente Vargas was appointed and agreed to fill the position of Interim Secretary.
Mr. Bone reviewed the Audit Report with the Governance Council. All members received an electronic
copy and the school will retain hard copies. There were no reported audit findings and the school
received an unmodified opinion or a clean audit.

Budget analysis, Amber Peña, senior member of the Vigil group shared the financial reports as of January 31,

  1. The expenditure reports as of January 31, 2022 was presented. Finance Committee met prior to the
    Governance Council meeting and reviewed all financial documents. Still waiting on ESSER II and Title I Carryover.
    II. Budget Report

Amber Peña presented Account Summary Reports for January 31st, 2022: the Expenditure and
Revenue Reports, Issued Purchase Order Report, Bank Register Report and Outstanding Checks

III. Discussion and Possible Action of Cash Disbursements – January 2022
IV. Discussion and Possible Action of Bank Reconciliation – January 2022
Motion to approve Cash Disbursements and Bank Reconciliation for January 2022
—Virginia Trujillo
2 nd Lora Sedore
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
V. Discussion and Possible Action on Bars
Motion to approve BARS: — Virginia Trujillo

2 nd Gary Boyd
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Gary Boyd will Chair the Finance Committee, Lora Sedore will be a member
Virginia Trujillo will be a community member of the Audit Committee
Lora Sedore will Chair the School Advisory Council
All other positions will remain vacant at this time.
Jeremy Peckens presented updates on Procurement. Testing updates for I-Station (Grades 1 & 2) were presented
along with a testing calendar for the rest of the year. OSI data was shared with percentages of RACED responses
per our Charter Contract. No school for students. HB43 (Black Education Act) required staff training to be
released by the end of the month. Recruitment Plan was presented. Target enrollment is still 400 for next year.
ESSER II and Title 1 for SY 20-21 update – Maybe end of March. ESSER III application approved and funds
available. E-Rate allocation and reimbursements identified. Covid Grant ($81,000) fully incumbered, $24,330
already received in reimbursements. SB9 need to spend down funds that will expire at the end of the year.
Recruitment including “The Knowledge Review” article introduced. Spring Fling update – May 6 th . Printed copies
of the FY 20-21 Audited Financial Statements are available in the COO’s office.


  1. 1. 5 Year Facilities Master Plan – Still in Process
  2. Special Capital Outlay HVAC/Solar Project – Deadline to submit quotes is Friday, February
    18 th at 4:00 pm..
  3. Sports/Gym – Lots of participation. Basketball ending in 2 weeks. Spring sports to start soon.
  4. Biweekly Admin Meetings – Updated Organization Chart still in progress.
  5. Enrollment Numbers – 120 Day Count 359 – Budgeted for 390 – Adjustment already applied
    Lottery Number for SY 22-23
    1 st – 8
    2 nd – 19
    3 rd – 15
    4 th – 28
    5 th – 36
    6 th – 86
    7 th – 86
    8 th – 85
    Total – 363
  6. COVID Update – Total of positive cases is 61 since August. Parents continue to be very careful
    and responsive to COVID symptoms and keeping students home. Illness is decreasing and the
    need for remote learning is still necessary. Current Toolkit isolation requiring 5 days remains.
    Covid number are decreasing, and reporting requirements have decreased. We will no longer be
    taking temperatures or requiring the questionnaire starting Tuesday. All other practices will
    remain in effect.
  7. PMG is on site daily from 7:30am to 3:00 pm..
  8. Student Led Conferences Feb 16, 17 and 18 virtually by Zoom. Due to snow day today,
    teachers were allowed to work remotely.
  9. Recruitment Efforts -Secured Unity Design again to help manage our social media efforts and
    promotional events. Targeting middle school
  10. Cutler Corridor Update – Pictures of improvements shared again. Project fully funded and
    expected to be completed in the next 6 months.
  11. Legislative Report – With the signing of HB2 staff to receive a 3% raise for the 4 th quarter and
    an additional 4% next year for a total of 7%. ELTP not a requirement for next year. 3% added to
    SEG for participation. Minimums for teachers’ salaries will be $50,000-Level 1, $60,000-Level 2
    and $70,000-Level 3
    Shared Calendar of Events for the remainder of the year.

Motion to move into Closed Session – Virginia Trujillo
2 nd – Gary Boyd
Meeting turned over to Lora Sedore
Motion to return to Open Meeting – Gary Boyd
2 nd – Lora Sedore
Next Meeting: March 17th, 2022
Motion to Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn – Gary Boyd
2 nd – Lora Sedore
Motion Approved by Roll Call Vote
Meeting Adjourned at 7:47 PM

9th Annual Golf Tournament

Good Morning Dragon Families;

We hope you are all safe and healthy. We have scheduled our 9th Annual Golf Tournament through the 21st Century Foundation on Monday, April 25th. We are asking for a donation of $5.00 from each student to apply towards raffle prizes. We will be sending home a flyer and envelope with your student today. All donations are tax deductible as the Foundation is a 501C3. receipts will be provided. Mrs. Tarango is the tournament director so if you have questions, please contact her.

Thank you so very much for your support!!!